Pictures of my stay in Dublin.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Another weekend in Dublin

Pictures from a pub night at a bar called O'Dwyers (really cool multi-level bar), the Dublin half-marathon, and some Grafton Street performers. And my red guitar.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Random guy.
Walter and roommate.
Walter, me, Joanne.
Andrea is a sophisticated man.
Walter and Diedre.
Mini-Guinness shots
Brennan was just getting warmed up.
Brennan and Simon in Phoenix park after Brennan's half-marathon.
Simon and I were walking around Grafton street and came across these street performers. Very entertaining and definitely worth the two Euro I dropped in their hats.
Spinning limbo guys

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Crazy limbo guys
Limbo of fire
My red guitar

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Q3 Offsite to a farm

The events committee decided it would be nice not to tell anyone where we were going for the offsite. So we all got in a couple of busses early Friday afternoon and headed out of Dublin. On the bus we were given our first team challenge which basically consisted of a bunch of memory games with photos. That made most of us sick because of the windy roads. We finally arrived after a 1.5 hour bus ride at an Irish farm where we played farm team building games with sheep and hay, had a nice team dinner, and enjoyed pints until the wee hours of the morning.

Sharing iPod tips.

Ready to head off to the Q3 offsite. We have no idea where we are going.

It's like a field trip.

Fun games in the bus. Reading + windy roads + bus = sick

Jose's beautiful drawing of a house.

Irish countryside


Team work

The funny thing is sheep herders do it with one person and a dog.

All under control

Fun stuff

A little hay rolling.

Margerhita running with a shovel.

Team Paddies. 1st place winners of the Irish Farm Olympics.

I have no idea what this is doing here.

The Irish sport of Hurling.

There's nothing like a little boot tossing to work up your appetite.

The cows in the background are Bailey's cows. Their milk is used to make Bailey's Irish Cream.

Refreshing drinks after a long day out in the fields.


Rachel hugging Graham. Walter trying to explain something.

Picking on Anna


Yann, me, and Jose

Look at Simon

Trippy shot of myself, Suan, and Lexa

Rachel and Anna

Graham, Simon, me, Walter, and Thijs

Simon is up to something

Andrea and Yann

Suan feeding Lexa


Three cool dudes

Jonas and Brennan

Getting rowdy

I have no idea

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